Aggressive Behaviour Management
Your guide to understanding aggressive behaviour and managing your own personal safety in threatening and potentially violent situations.
Internal management of the locus of control
What situational awareness is, why it's important and how to build awareness
Learning how to assess your environment
De-escalation skills and techniques
What actions to take or how to avoid or minimise aggressive situations
Dealing with the aftermath of an aggressive situation including dealing with the authorities
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Chapter 1 : Overview
Lesson 1: Video
Chapter 1 Print Out : Introduction
Chapter 1: Knowledge Test
Chapter 2: Overview
Lesson 1: Video
Lesson 2: Cartoon Video (Awareness)
Chapter 2 Print Out: Awareness
Chapter 2: Knowledge Test
Chapter 3: Overview
Lesson 1: Video
Lesson 2: Cartoon Video (Assessment)
Chapter 3 Print Out: Assessment
Chapter 3: Knowledge Test
Chapter 4: Overview
Lesson 1: Video
Lesson 2: Cartoon Video (Action/Avoidance)
Chapter 4 Print Out: Action & Avoidance
Chapter 4: Knowledge Test
Chapter 5: Overview
Aggressive Behaviour Management Aftermath
Lesson 2: Cartoon Video (Aftermath)
Chapter 5 Print Out: Aftermath
Chapter 5: Knowledge Test
Chapter 6: Overview
Aggressive Behaviour Management Conclusion
Mr. Joe Saunders
Joe Saunders
Joe is a recognised thought leader in the field of occupational violence and is regularly called upon to present at local and international events. He is the co-author of the ASRC’s Occupational Violence, Aggression and Duty of Care research paper, and has contributed articles for numerous journals and publications, including LexisNexis Risk Management Today, Security Insider, Aviation Security International, and The Circuit Magazine. He combines 15 years of experience in frontline conflict management with post-graduate research into psychology, workplace safety and security risk management.
Joe is a gifted and dynamic presenter, educator and training designer with a knack for communicating a sometimes-difficult subject to professionals and laypersons alike. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM), an Associate of the Australian Risk Policy Institute (AARPI) and a Member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA).
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